The olive oil With a rich heritage rooted



Olive Vista

Welcome to Olive Vista Andalucia, where tradition meets excellence in the heart of Andalusia, Spain. With a rich heritage rooted in the centuries-old tradition of olive cultivation,
Olive Vista Andalucia is a premier producer and distributor of high-quality olives and olive products.

Welcome to Olive Vista Andalucia, where tradition meetxczxzxvxvzvczvzvs excellence in the heart of Andalusia, Spain. With a rich heritage rooted in the centuries-old tradition of olive cultivation,
Olive Vista Andalucia is a premier producer and distributor of high-quality olives and olive products.

Welcome to Olive Vista Andalucia, where tradition meets excellence in the heart of Andalusia, Spain. With a rich heritage rooted in the centuries-old tradition of olive cultivation,
Olive Vista Andalucia is a premier producer and distributor of high-quality olives and olive products.

Our process

All our woods are sustainably deforested and
compensated through replanting projects.
The process begins with cultivating olive trees in suitable climates. Olive trees thrive in regions with a Mediterranean climate, such as those found in countries like Spain, Italy, and Greece.
Olives are typically harvested in the autumn months when they are at their peak ripeness. There are various methods of harvesting, including hand-picking and mechanical harvesting. Hand-picking is often preferred for high-quality olive oils, as it minimizes damage to the fruit.
Once harvested, the olives undergo sorting to remove leaves, twigs, and any other debris. This ensures that only the best-quality olives proceed to the next stages of production.
The cleaned olives are then crushed to create a paste. Traditionally, this was done using large stone mills, but modern methods often involve stainless steel or granite crushers. Crushing breaks down the olives' cell walls, releasing the oil-containing droplets.
After extraction, the oil may go through a settling process called decantation, allowing any remaining water or impurities to separate from the oil. Filtration is then used to further refine the oil and remove any remaining particles.
Order your next
level olive oil

Join us in savoring the richness of our olive oils
– crafted with passion, delivered with care.